Landscape has become a spectacle our day-to-day, both in big cities or in rural areas. Not only on the fringe of the road or while on the bus. But the teenagers who are still students that sometimes just do so in front of their school. "This symbol of the association, if not smoke it's hard to socialize with the others." said a student who enjoys a passionate Cigarette.
The phrase is always a reason for young people to be interesting friend the other so it would-smoking follow-up. So, what right do not smoke if bakalan difficult to socialize and have a lot of friends? "Evidence to date I still have many friends in spite of not smoking. Moreover, as a music player in the school, which of course requires stamina enough and I think I have to use for smoking, "said Dian, a student in Kendal.
Well, if why we also need to smoke, if that be thought rather more dangerous there. As in terms of health, I know I substances are found in a cigarette. According to the world health body (WHO) in 4000 there were cigarette chemicals and toxic substances. Cigarette smoke can make directly damaged cells respiratory tract. Although not a smoker, you can also be called when the passive smokers inhale smoke in the environment. It can also damage the health too!
Would like to know more clearly about the toxic substances and is in a cigarette, you well know, and try to think is wise. First is' nicotine ', have the nature of this substance adiktif that can make us so addicted. Once burned, 25% of the nicotine in cigarettes directly into the blood circulation and to the human brain in 15 seconds. The effect, you will be easy to blood vessel constriction and a lack of oxygen throughout the body. Next is a 'tar', in the world of medicine known as karsinogenik substances capable of causing cancer. Dregs of the smoke will stick in the lungs. Slowly for 20 to 30 years, this material will change epitel bronkus normal cells in the lung cancer cells become malignant.
The second is carbon monoxide, or CO, is the same as the gas issued car exhaust tip. This will prevent oxygen absorption of oxygen by red blood cells in the body. So is the substance ammonia (the floor), BENZEN, Nitrosamin, Naftalen (camphor), hydrogen cyanide, radon, Aseton (eraser paint nails), Toleun, Metanol (rocket fuel), Arsenik (white ant poison), Butan ( lighter fuel), and various other toxic substances zenis. Trust me, without smoking you will appear more healthy and more fresh.
In addition to the health factor is, of course you also have potential in terms of financial losses. You certainly know how the price of a cigarette you need to remove the codes. Then compare it with the pocket money that a student each day. Well, make what you spend money only for a cigarette that does not have these benefits. Not yet, you need to pay for school fees and daily necessities.
Smoking among teenagers in the first and only want to participate, following a friend, but after trying finally hooked. This is like the Deni said, "At first I did not smokers, but also gravely if I do not smoke, because I am in the environment at all so I smoke follow-up also smoking." Said student SMK 2 Dwi Warna. Deni confess initially took charge-smoking follow-up to the continuity and hard to stop. According to him, the influence of environmental enough to be a smoker.
However Deni also fond of sports, these activities make them more shape and reduce suck smoke cigarettes. Sports is one of the activities that she can be addicted to smoke. When asked intention to quit smoking he said, "I hard as I join the friends who are also smokers, but the intention is not only a prescription can be," he said.
In fact, Deni hope there is a container that holds itself together to stop smoking and campagned loss-loss due to smoke cigarettes in order to suck the next generation regardless of the poison caused by cigarette smoke. He says less information on the negative impact arising from smoking and colleagues argued that the play is also the same as him.
"We as a Teen sometimes see things that happen around us, and most people from different circles so we consume cigarette smoking also follow-up without thinking about consequences." Add Deni again.
Cigarettes will also change your appearance, some of the things that looks real with the smoke breath you will not be a Fresh smell. Your teeth also become yellowish and turning into black and does not make you smile bright. Eyelid so hollow shaft so that the eye does not shine. Worse again wrinkle face start to appear, so look a little older. Hair is also a faint odor and smoke. The point is cigarettes makes you worst.
The phrase is always a reason for young people to be interesting friend the other so it would-smoking follow-up. So, what right do not smoke if bakalan difficult to socialize and have a lot of friends? "Evidence to date I still have many friends in spite of not smoking. Moreover, as a music player in the school, which of course requires stamina enough and I think I have to use for smoking, "said Dian, a student in Kendal.
Well, if why we also need to smoke, if that be thought rather more dangerous there. As in terms of health, I know I substances are found in a cigarette. According to the world health body (WHO) in 4000 there were cigarette chemicals and toxic substances. Cigarette smoke can make directly damaged cells respiratory tract. Although not a smoker, you can also be called when the passive smokers inhale smoke in the environment. It can also damage the health too!
- an alkaloid poison that occurs in tobacco; used in medicine and as an insecticide
wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn - Nicotine is an alkaloid found in tobacco. Nicotine has been found to constitute approximately 0.6–3.0% of dry weight of tobacco, with biosynthesis taking place in the roots, and accumulating in the leaves. ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine - An alkaloid (C10H14N2), commonly occurring in the tobacco plant. In small doses it is a habit-forming stimulant, in larger doses it is toxic and ...
en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nicotine - An alkaloid (chemical substance) derived from the tobacco plant that is responsible for smoking's psychoactive and addictive effects. ...
www.ctri.wisc.edu/Home/Glossary.html - The addictive drug in tobacco. Nicotine activates a specific type of acetylcholine receptor.
science.education.nih.gov/supplements/nih2/Addiction/other/glossary/glossary2.htm - A poisonous volatile alkaloid derived from tobacco and responsible for many of the effects of tobacco; it first stimulates (small doses) then depresses (large doses).
www.slutaroka.com/stopsmoking/Dictionary.html - The main active ingredient of tobacco. Extremely toxic and causing irritation of lung tissues, constriction of blood vessels, increased blood pressure and heart rate, and, in general, central nervous system stimulation.
suicideandmentalhealthassociationinternational.org/alcdruggloss.html - alkaloid (chemical substance), the main active ingredient of tobacco, including cigarettes, highly toxic and addictive. Nicotine is a cause of cancer by inhibiting the natural ability of the body to get rid of cells with significant genetic damage before they turn cancerous. ...
www.seximus.ro/dictionary/sex_dictionary_letter_n.php - Nicotine is extracted from tobacco and can be used as an insecticide, often in the form of nicotine sulphate. ...
www.opbf.org/open-plant-breeding/glossary/n - an organic chemical found in the tobacco plant described as a "potent" nerve poison and is used as ingredient for may insecticides. Taken in small doses through smoking tobacco products like cigarettes or cigars, it affects the nervous systems. It is also highly-addictive. ...
howtosmokeacigar1.blogspot.com/2008/03/article-1.html - (NIH-kuh-TEEN) An addictive, poisonous chemical found in tobacco. It can also be made in the laboratory. When it enters the body, nicotine causes an increased heart rate and use of oxygen by the heart, and a sense of well-being and relaxation. It is also used as an insecticide.
www.ecancerawareness.com/cancer_glossary/n.php - One of the active and potentially poisonous ingredients in tobacco. It directly stimulates the nervous system.
Would like to know more clearly about the toxic substances and is in a cigarette, you well know, and try to think is wise. First is' nicotine ', have the nature of this substance adiktif that can make us so addicted. Once burned, 25% of the nicotine in cigarettes directly into the blood circulation and to the human brain in 15 seconds. The effect, you will be easy to blood vessel constriction and a lack of oxygen throughout the body. Next is a 'tar', in the world of medicine known as karsinogenik substances capable of causing cancer. Dregs of the smoke will stick in the lungs. Slowly for 20 to 30 years, this material will change epitel bronkus normal cells in the lung cancer cells become malignant.
The second is carbon monoxide, or CO, is the same as the gas issued car exhaust tip. This will prevent oxygen absorption of oxygen by red blood cells in the body. So is the substance ammonia (the floor), BENZEN, Nitrosamin, Naftalen (camphor), hydrogen cyanide, radon, Aseton (eraser paint nails), Toleun, Metanol (rocket fuel), Arsenik (white ant poison), Butan ( lighter fuel), and various other toxic substances zenis. Trust me, without smoking you will appear more healthy and more fresh.
In addition to the health factor is, of course you also have potential in terms of financial losses. You certainly know how the price of a cigarette you need to remove the codes. Then compare it with the pocket money that a student each day. Well, make what you spend money only for a cigarette that does not have these benefits. Not yet, you need to pay for school fees and daily necessities.
Smoking among teenagers in the first and only want to participate, following a friend, but after trying finally hooked. This is like the Deni said, "At first I did not smokers, but also gravely if I do not smoke, because I am in the environment at all so I smoke follow-up also smoking." Said student SMK 2 Dwi Warna. Deni confess initially took charge-smoking follow-up to the continuity and hard to stop. According to him, the influence of environmental enough to be a smoker.
However Deni also fond of sports, these activities make them more shape and reduce suck smoke cigarettes. Sports is one of the activities that she can be addicted to smoke. When asked intention to quit smoking he said, "I hard as I join the friends who are also smokers, but the intention is not only a prescription can be," he said.
In fact, Deni hope there is a container that holds itself together to stop smoking and campagned loss-loss due to smoke cigarettes in order to suck the next generation regardless of the poison caused by cigarette smoke. He says less information on the negative impact arising from smoking and colleagues argued that the play is also the same as him.
"We as a Teen sometimes see things that happen around us, and most people from different circles so we consume cigarette smoking also follow-up without thinking about consequences." Add Deni again.
Cigarettes will also change your appearance, some of the things that looks real with the smoke breath you will not be a Fresh smell. Your teeth also become yellowish and turning into black and does not make you smile bright. Eyelid so hollow shaft so that the eye does not shine. Worse again wrinkle face start to appear, so look a little older. Hair is also a faint odor and smoke. The point is cigarettes makes you worst.
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